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Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter the “Regulation”), MINITOOLS srl (hereinafter “MINITOOLS” or the “Company”) hereby provides, information about how your personal data may be processed when you visit the websites and, (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”) (paragraphs 1), 3) and 4)) or when you use the e-commerce platform of MINITOOLS (paragraph 2)) on the Platform or the newsletter service (paragraph 5)).

The term “personal data” has the meaning provided by the data protection legislation and refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier.

“Data protection law” means the EU Regulation n. 2016/679 as amended, including the Recitals, the applicable national law, including the decisions issued by the Data Protection Authority, and codes of conduct, if applicable.

The terms “processing”, “data controller”, “data processor”, “joint data controllers”, “personal data” (including “special categories of personal data”), “data subjects”, “third parties”, “recipients”, “third countries”, “breach of personal data” and “supervisory authorities” are used according to the definition and meaning provided by the data protection legislation, to which reference is made.



During the normal course of operation, the IT systems and software procedures used to run the Platform collect certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected for the purpose of associating the same with identified data subjects, but may make it possible to identify the user when processed and associated with the data held by third parties.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names or specification of the type of devices used by users who connect to the Platform, the URI - Uniform Resource Identifier - addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response to the same, the numerical code indicating the status of the response provided by the server (successfully completed, error, etc.) and other parameters relevant to the operating system and the user's IT environment.

MINITOOLS will process your personal data for the technical administration of the Platform, to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Platform and to ascertain the correct functioning thereof and will be deleted immediately after processing for such purposes. This data is used with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Platform and to guarantee its correct operation.


When you purchase products/services on the MINITOOLS e-commerce Platform, the personal data you provide in the context of the process relating to the transaction and, in case, the personal data you provide as a registered user of the Platform (jointly referred to as the “Purchasing Data”), will be processed by MINITOOLS, as data controller, in order to:

a) process the purchase order and the payment and send the data to the Sellers;

b) verify that the information provided for the purposes of the transaction are complete, valid, correct and non-fraudulent.

c) manage the contractual relationship with customers and provide after-sales services, as well as to provide technical assistance to users and clients in order to register to the Platform and/or to make a purchase order and/or after a purchase order is made;

d) record exchanges between the User, the customer service and the Seller by e-mail, chat or telephone to improve our Services, train our team and manage the customer and prospective relationship;

e) comply with the legal obligations set forth by tax and accounting legislation, or any other legislation that MINITOOLS is required to comply with as seller;

f) customer relationship management via social networks;

g) analysing the browsing on the Platform to improve our services;

h) carrying out statistical studies on the use of our Platform and our services.

​For the purposes indicated under points a) and c), the processing of data is necessary to perform the contract, to which you are a party, with the Company (pursuant to article 6 paragraph 1 b) of the Regulation). The purpose indicated under point e) is necessary to fulfil any legal obligations of the data controller (as set forth by article 6 paragraph 1 c) of the Regulation); As regards the purpose set forth by point b),d),e)f),g) and h) pursuant to recital 47 of the Regulation, your data will be processed in the legitimate interest of MINITOOLS to ascertain the security of the payments received.

You are required to provide your Purchasing Data in order to execute the purchase contract between you and the Seller, of which MINITOOLS in an intermediary. Should you refuse to provide your Purchasing Data, you will be unable to finalise the purchase of the products on the e-commerce platform.

Please ensure that your personal data are correct; in the case of changes to the personal data you have provided, please contact the Company at your earliest convenience.

Your Purchasing Data will be retained by MINITOOLS only as long as necessary to deliver the products you have purchased, comply with any requests made by you pursuant to the Consumer Code, to comply with tax and civil law obligations and for the period set forth by Italian law in order to protect our interests (article 2946 of the Italian Civil Code).

After identifying yourself, you have the right to ask MINITOOLS to access your Purchasing Data, and to amend or delete the same, provided that the relevant conditions are met. You also have the right to ask MINITOOLS for a copy of your Purchasing Data and to limit the processing of your Purchasing Data, provided that the relevant conditions are met.

In order to exercise the above rights or request further information about how we process your Purchasing Data, you may contact us at [email protected] .

You may, in any case, file a claim with the competent supervisory authority, or the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, if you believe your personal data have been processed illegally.

This Platform uses so-called first and third-party cookies. Cookies are short text strings that are transmitted to the browser and may be stored on the computer, smartphone or any other device used to access the Internet, whenever a website is visited.
For more information on the use of cookies, why and how they are used, and how to change your settings, please read our Cookie Policy .


Among the services available on the Platform, MINITOOLS offers a newsletter service to which users may subscribe. Users who subscribe to the newsletter will receive e-mails with information and commercial content.

The legal basis for processing such data is art. 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation.

The personal data processed for this purpose include your e-mail address, that will be retained only as long as it is strictly necessary to provide the newsletter service requested.

You may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time using the link at the bottom of the e-mails you receive.

In some sections of the Platform, you may be asked to provide personal data. In this case, a specific privacy policy statement pursuant to article 13 of the Regulations will be provided and, if necessary, you will be asked to give your consent to specific processing purposes.

MINITOOLS is entitled merely to receive information on the payment status (successful / refused) from the digital payment companies and from Payment Processor. Payment data will be processed from the digital payment companies and Payment Processor for anti-fraud purposes, pursuant to directive 2015/2366 (EU), and subsequent amendments, on payment services in the European internal market (so-called PSD2). All prepaid card, debit card or on the credit card details are stored by the entities that operate the related service. These entities are not authorized to use personal data received through for other purposes.


Your personal data will be processed by the duly authorised and appointed employees and collaborators of MINITOOLS.

Your personal data may be processed by companies appointed by MINITOOLS, who carry out technical and organisational tasks on behalf of the same. These companies are direct collaborators of MINITOOLS and are appointed as data processors, in accordance with art. 28 of the Regulations, and guarantee to implement appropriate measures to ensure that the processing of your personal data complies with the Regulations and protects the rights of the data subject.

As part of the data processing procedure carried out through the Platform, MINITOOLS has specifically appointed the companies providing managing and technical maintenance service for the Platform and the Company’s servers as data processor.

As part of the data processing carried out through the e-commerce platform, the personal data collected may also be shared with the following categories of recipients:

- Sellers from whom you purchased a Product via the Platform, necessary to manage your Orders;

- companies providing services connected with the required services;

- companies that offer IT maintenance services, hosting and maintenance services.

The data collected may also be processed by third parties, as independent data controllers, such as:

- persons, companies, associations or professional firms that provide assistance and advisory services (lawyers, accountants, auditors).

Your personal data is transmitted to the service providers we use to process your data, including for the purpose of:

- operating the Platform and its Services (sending emails and SMS, telephone calls, etc.): your data is transmitted to specialised technical service providers;

- paying for your Orders: your data is transmitted to service providers specialised in banking transactions (such as banks, payment service providers);

- managing customer service: your data is transmitted to our partners and our technical service providers;

- our instant messaging system and form on our Platform: your data is transmitted to our technical service provider.

Please be advised that the communication of your personal data involves transfer to databases located within the European Union, while the Data of transactional e-mails, e-mails, instant messaging and forms filling on the Platform is transferred outside the European Economic Area, due to the global nature of our service providers. Anyhow, the service providers ensure compliance with EU Standard Contractual Clauses. Addendum to such clauses there are approved Binding Corporate Rules, approved codes of conduct and certifications mechanisms, on the basis of permissible statutory derogations, or any other valid data transfer mechanism issued or approved by the EEA, available here .

Your personal data may be disclosed to the authorities pursuant to a law, a regulation or a decision of a competent regulatory or judicial authority. In general, we undertake to comply with all legal rules that may prevent, restrict or regulate the disclosure of information or data and in particular to comply with applicable data protection regulations.

Neither MINITOOLS nor the data processor or sub-processors will communicate your personal Data to third parties without your prior consent, unless this is required by law.

The complete list of recipients is constantly updated and may be requested by sending an e-mail to [email protected] .

Your personal data will not be disseminated for any reason whatsoever.

In the event where the company MINITOOLS or part of its activities are acquired by a third party company or merge, we will inform you in advance regarding the transfer of your personal data and your right to oppose this transfer


You may exercise the rights set forth by the data protection law at any time. In particular, if applicable, you may:

- request and receive confirmation that we hold your personal data and access the content thereof (right of access);

- update, amend and/or correct your personal data (right of rectification);

- request that your personal data be deleted, anonymised, or a block of any data processed in breach of the law or limit the processing thereof;

- object to the processing of your data, for legitimate reasons, if such objections are based on art. 6 (1) (f) of the Regulations;

- object to the processing of your personal data for advertising and marketing purposes, or for market surveys or to forward promotional messages;

- withdraw your consent -when given- at any time, without prejudice to the legality of any processing based on your consent prior to such withdrawal;

- receive a copy of the personal data you provided and request that such personal data be transmitted to another data controller.

In order to exercise your rights, please send an e-mail to [email protected] .

You in any case have the right to file a claim with the competent supervisory authority, or the Data Protection Authority, if you believe your personal data have been processed illegally.


The Data Controller is MINITOOLS srl, having registered headquarters at n.c Trav. 1a, Via Nino Rota, Alberobello (BA), 70011, Italy, in the person of its company representative pro tempore.

Solely the Italian version of this policy (available at ) shall be legally binding as the original text.

Vers.1.0 del 04/07/2024